Hashtag reports to predict your impact, prove campaign results, and make smarter moves.
Hashtag Map

Analyze Hashtags and Keywords

Want to prove and showcase the impact of your or any competitor’s campaigns?

Gain the deepest insight possible and let the data drive your efforts by knowing everything about the people and discussion behind any campaign or topic before or after you engage.

Maximize your efforts and create high impact connections by always speaking to the right audience using clear analytics and demographics to get insight on any keyword to know see any topic transparently before joining the conversation or campaign.

This all-encompassing hashtag report reveals the following when measuring any topic, word, hashtag, account, URL, or phrase:

Who is talking about your brand
Where were your posts reposted
Where are people engaging with you
Identify your most influential advocates
What kinds of people engaged with you
Who are your most influential advocates
What were the best posts in the campaign
What other topics came from the discussion
Where is the X (Twitter) conversation happening
What influencers share your target demographic
Discover new hashtags and keywords for your strategy

Plan and measure successful campaigns with predictable results when measuring any hashtag and keyword or account:

Post transcript
Engagement sentiment
Top associated hashtags
Brand affinity with those reached
Mention activity timeline & reach distribution
All demographics: Occupation, age, language, gender
Post breakdown, including total, replies, and reposts
Breakdown of all engagements: Replies, reposts, likes, quotes
Estimated reach & virality breakdown: Mentions, reposts, posts
Interactive map of people the keywords reached, drilling down to a city level
Ability to engage directly with selected accounts, top influencers, contributors, and top posts.

Flexible options tailored to your search needs:

Starting with a free SAMPLE report that includes analysis of up to 100 posts. Our STANDARD report is available to premium plan members and includes analysis of up to 18,000 posts going back up to 30 days, making it suitable for most medium popular terms.

For very popular terms or historical searches, our comprehensive PRO report is available for our subscribers. You can research a topic for any time period going back to 2006.

With Fedica's hashtag and keyword report analysis tool, you can gain deep insights into any mix of hashtags or keywords on X and make informed decisions about your social media strategy.

Available to Fedica premium plans members for X (Twitter).

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Analyze Hashtags and Keywords