The Benefits of Lead Generation Cards and How to Add Them On Twitter (now X)

If you’ve never heard of a X (formerly Twitter) Card, you aren’t the only person who’s left in the dark. Prior to their creation, your engagement capabilities on X weren’t limited in number, but they were limited by technology. If you wanted to reach out to audience members to get subscribers, you had to post out a link and hope someone followed through with filling out info and going through the process.

Through X Cards, the process is much more streamlined. You only have to install these add-ons you get from X in order to make them work. What do they do? Depending on which Cards you install, they can do many different things.

Let’s focus on Lead Generation Cards, which is essentially in line with the above post subscription example. Instead of posting that link, a Lead Generation Card adds an interactive engagement level to your post and creates a button right in the post that allows users to click and subscribe. Because X also holds onto user email, this step is already taken care of too – their name, @username and email address are already pre-filled in the Card.

Lead Generation Cards essentially give you a one-click opportunity to grow your email and sign-up audience. If you want this kind of easy engagement, all you have to do now is make it happen by adding this tool to your own X account.

NOTE: These Cards are only available to those who have access to X promoted campaigns. In order to start using them, you’ll have to provide your credit card info to X. Cards don’t cost anything and can be added to both standard and promoted posts.

Step 1

If you haven’t done this already, you need to sign up for a X Ads campaign. Go to your icon and menu settings and select “X Ads.”

From there, you’ll need to fill out some information about your campaign. Start with a $1 budget if it’s your first time running a campaign. When you select a campaign objective, make sure you select “Leads on X.”

Step 2

Once you’re at the X Ads menu, go to “Creatives” and then “Cards” from the dropdown menu.

Step 3

Click the button here that says “Create Lead Generation Card.” This is where you’ll start to actually fill in the info for the Card itself. This includes a card image, call to action, description and the URL you need for the Card.

Step 4

Next you’ll move to the “Campaigns” menu. Here is where you’ll compose a post to promote, upload an image to the post and add your Card. You can choose whether you promote it or not and finally publish your campaign.


First, know that this simple way of increasing your customer engagement doesn’t mean that you don’t still have some work to do. You still have to keep your marketing cap on – what picture will get the best reaction, and what kind of CTA will you use to get someone’s attention?

You can enhance the return on X Cards and your Lead Generation Campaign by deploying proper analytics solutions. Fedica encourages you to use X Lead Generation Cards, but you can complement it with tools to improve the return on your investment, like hashtag maps, Best Times to Post, and Post Calendar to really sink your teeth into the marketing potential of X.