Seven Tips for Boosting Customer Engagement on Twitter (now X)

What sets X (formerly Twitter) apart from other social networks is the opportunity it offers to directly engage with your customers. This enables you to use X as a powerful platform for developing relationships with potential customers as well as for deepening relationships with existing ones. Benefits include a noticeable boost in customer engagement, and possibly more leads traffic, and authority in your industry.

Start boosting your X engagement now with seven simple but effective tips.

1. Always respond quickly

People who ask questions on X expect an immediate or at least a fast response, whether they are aiming them at your X customer support account or at your brand account. The fast pace of conversations on the network don’t give you much chance to delay answering; the old unanswered question that appears in your feed look bad and can discourage people reaching out to you.

Managing questions becomes easier if you have mobile notifications turned on, mention operation hours on your profile (so people know when you’re around), and develop a simple response strategy for different types of questions.

2. Be proactive

Be the first to engage your customers. Instead of waiting for your brand name to get mentioned, reply to relevant posts, initiate conversations, and send direct messages. Both #hashtags and @mentions give you the opportunity to attract the attention of specific users or groups of users and encourage engagement. These posts should come in addition to your regular posts aimed at your general audience. Fedica has developed an intelligent way to send Direct Messages to a sub-segment of your customers, and to manage DMs in an email type fashion

3. Create a compelling brand voice

Successful brands on X use voices that are funny, friendly, or quirky. X isn’t LinkedIn, so you can drop the professional tone and speak like a person, addressing other users directly and not shying away from personalized messages.

It’s not just your words that matter, but also the content you share. You don’t want to pat your customers and followers on the back, but you do want to build trust and familiarity.

4. Personalize your customer support

Whether you have one or more X customer service handles, customers will respond better if they feel they are speaking to a real person. One way to personalize your handle is to include a brief signature after every reply, such as the initials of the person managing the account, for example, “ – JS” for John Smith. And don’t forget to address customers by their name.

5. Create a list for VIP customers

What’s a VIP customer to you? It could be someone who buys your products or services regularly, or who places large orders. A VIP may also be someone highly influential in your industry, or someone very active on social media who shares your content all the time.

Creating one or more X lists for your VIP customers makes it so much easier for you to keep track of their activity and engage with them on X and beyond.

6. Reward loyalty

Loyal followers are those who constantly interact with you, replying to your posts, favoring them, or sharing them. This adds vibrancy to your X page and can set the tone for your other followers. Thanking them openly using their user handle is a start, but sending them a direct message with a freebie or discount code is even better.

7. Use social intelligence to reach out to your customers

The insight that comes from customer intelligence data helps you better understand your customers, discover the best times to post to them, and find out how to interact with the more effectively. With GEO-targeted analytics and intelligent publishing tools you can save time and improve your social focus.

Tap into the power of analytics to improve your X engagement rates.