Oppan Social Style: The State of Social Media in 2012

Believe it or not, but the first month of 2013 is drawing to a close.

Hopefully you’ve managed to stick to your resolutions through the month of January, and you’re back in the swing of status updates and tweets.

Since we’re all fully immersed in 2013, we thought that it would be a good time to take a break from looking forward, and look back – back to the state of social media in 2012. If you’re up for a little jaunt down memory lane, read on.

Remember the good old days of Kony 2012, Pinterest’s coming of age and the President’s Google+ Hangouts?

Well, those days aren’t really that far behind us, no matter how quickly they seem to disappear into the rearview as the frenzy of new information swallows them up.

The Kony 2012 video sparked controversy in March 2012, and also hit a number of YouTube records. You can watch it here, if you’re behind the times and haven’t seen it yet!

Before Kony, in January 2012, President Obama held the United States’ first all-virtual interview with citizens via Google+ Hangouts.

And at the same time, Pinterest was being crowned “best new startup of 2011”, referring more business traffic than LinkedIn, YouTube and Google.

2012 was also a time of upheaval in the social web, as Anonymous attacked enemies of the freedom of the internet and China posted off-topic comments on President Obama’s election campaign pages.

And, of course, there’s Gangnam Style, and the billion+ people who reveled in its quirky, infuriatingly catchy and immensely shareable chorus.

The infographic below shows us the major milestones in social media in 2012. Would you add anything to the list?

(Infographic courtesy of The Seo Company)