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Análisis de los seguidores de @APHumanGeog

Análisis de los seguidores de @APHumanGeog

The top three countries where APHumanGeog's Twitter followers are from include United States(51%)United Kingdom(20%)and Canada(5%)

Acerca de @APHumanGeog (Seth Dixon):
I'm an AP Human Geography reader, Rhode Island College professor and the @RIGEA1 Alliance coordinator. Professionally, that's me, @seth_dixon in a nutshell.

@APHumanGeog said:
46% of my followers are from UnitedStates,18% from UnitedKingdom & 5% from London. tweepsmap.com/!APHumanGeog. What's your TweepsMap ?
Análisis de los seguidores de @APHumanGeog

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