How To Collaborate With Social Media Influencers

There was a time when celebrities ruled the social media kingdom as the only influencers, encouraging their fans to try something new with a strategic product placement post. Actors were persuading their followers to try the new smoothie joint with just one photo of themselves happily sipping away at a concoction that was aptly named … Read more

7 Things to Monitor Beyond Your Brand Name

You’ve put a considerable amount of effort to building your brand name. You’ve carefully curated content, made informed decisions on what posts are relevant and when the optimal time to post is. You have ensured that your social media accounts embody your brand’s mission. You’ve even done damage control on the digital footprint you left … Read more

Why Your Personal Brand Is Important In Shaping Your Professional Reputation

Personal branding isn’t about self-promotion but defining yourself. If managed well, your personal brand will showcase your accomplishments and will open up professional opportunities that will lead you to better jobs, more contacts, and industry recognition. Your personal brand is who you are on paper, in person and online. It’s your reputation. When you deliver … Read more